Welcome to Fomwan Lagos

The Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria was registered and consequently launched at the National level in Minna, Niger State on 12th of October, 1985 as a virile, strong and formidable rallying point for all Muslim women in Nigeria.

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About Us

The Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria was registered and consequently launched at the National level in Minna, Niger State on 12th of October, 1985 as a virile, strong and formidable rallying point for all Muslim women in Nigeria.

The 23rd of February, 1986 was the date for the launch of Lagos State Chapter at the famous citadel of learning, University of Lagos, Akoka. The association forthwith, become the umbrella body for all Muslim Women Group in Lagos State. With great thanks to Almighty Allah, the Association which started with very few number of women and organizations has today grown into a giant association with over 800 affiliate mosques in Lagos State with branches in all Local Government Areas.

Our Programmes


A regular lecture is instituted at the Association’s monthly general meetings which enables our members acquire quantum knowledge in Islam and personal development. Scholars in the hosting community are invited to give lectures during the events on issues of national interest.


We have so far established Nursery/primary schools in Badagry, Alimosho and Makoko areas of the state. It is worthy of note to emphasize that our schools organize Arabic class in the school curriculum, so as to adequately enhance the moral and spiritual development of the children.


Regular visitations are also made to hospitals and rehabilitation Centres where essential materials are donated. More importantly, the inmates at the Kirikiri and Badagry correctional centres are feasted during Eid-ul-Fitri and Eid-ul-Adha celebrations every year.


Towards ensuring economic empowerment and self-sustenance of members and the association, many local government branches engaged in business activities such as production of exercise books bags and purses, packaging of beverages, sugar and salt.


FOMWAN Lagos has partnered with other NGOs such as COMPASS to organize workshops. We also collaborate to execute and developing projects with SUNMAP, Lagos State Ministry of Health, VAC, Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NUHRI), COMMUNITY LIFE PROJECTS (RECLAIM NAIJA), Justice Development Peace Centre (JDPC) MUSWEN among others.


We cannot fold our arms and watch the decadence in the society, Fomwan Lagos was a pilot scheme as directed by the National body for a counseling center.

Governance and Advocacy

The Association has a cordial and harmonious relationship with the Lagos State Government from which the Association hasbenefited in numerous empowerment programmes organized through the Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation. The Association recently joined FOMWAN National to lend a voice to campaign against Rape and other gender based violence. A press release in collaboration with MPAC and MSSN Lagos branch was published to that effect.


We invite health personnel to give immunization to children at local government areas, we equally create avenues for medical doctors to educate our members on personal health issues and carry out medical checks frequently.


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